If you missed Day of Giving but still want to make a gift you can click here!
WVSU Television Studio

Please join us as we continue to work to enhance our systems and keep up with current trends in the industry to make our students more competitive. 

Thousands of our students have gained an understanding of how television and film production work as part of their degree program.  The cost of this opportunity is expensive, but student experience is invaluable! 

In today's society, it is more important than ever that people understand where and how information gets to them.  Careers in TV, film, corporate video and public relations, sports production, social media, and streaming all depend on understanding the basic principles of creating and producing the content we rely on every day.

Please help us continue to deliver state-of-the-art courses and experiential learning to our students so they can help shape a better future!

Decades Challenge
Compete with other alumni to see which decade raises the most money for WVSU Day of Giving!
What year did you graduate?
Rank Answer Amount
1 1980-1989 $65,394.83
2 1990-1999 $6,894.93
3 1970-1979 $6,300.00
4 2000-2009 $4,930.00
5 1960-1969 $3,219.00
6 2010-2019 $2,081.00
7 1950-1959 $1,750.00
8 2020-2024 $250.00
Rank State Gifts
1 WV 6
2 SC 1
2 OH 1
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at foundation@wvstateu.edu.