If you missed Day of Giving but still want to make a gift you can click here!

On behalf of our 17 teams, 350 student-athletes, and 50 coaches and staff, thank you for supporting WVSU Athletics! With your continued support, we are able to achieve our mission of providing our student-athletes the tools necessary to excel academically and athletically while making an impact in the community. Please consider contributing to the Old Gold Fund today. Together, we can take WVSU Athletics to a higher level with a new standard for excellence.

Decades Challenge
Compete with other alumni to see which decade raises the most money for WVSU Day of Giving!
What year did you graduate?
Rank Answer Amount
1 1980-1989 $65,394.83
2 1990-1999 $6,894.93
3 1970-1979 $6,300.00
4 2000-2009 $4,930.00
5 1960-1969 $3,219.00
6 2010-2019 $2,081.00
7 1950-1959 $1,750.00
8 2020-2024 $250.00
Rank State Gifts
1 WV 19
2 MD 12
3 SC 6
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at foundation@wvstateu.edu.