Day of Giving 2025

2025 WVSU’s Day of Giving COMING SOON!

The time is now to Step Up For Future State! 

Join members of the State Family in supporting the WVSU Day of Giving Challenge with a goal to raise $500,000 from 250 donors in 24 hours! 

March 18th at noon to March 19th at noon

Participate in the excitement and make a difference by sending a gift of any amount today. You can give in support of the University’s greatest needs through the WVSU Fund. You can also choose to designate your gift to student scholarships, specific academic college, WVSU Athletics, one of our special highlighted projects, or any other University programs or causes that are important to you. The support you give will support WVSU programs and students throughout the year.

Use the hashtag for social media: #WVSUDayofGiving

March 18th

11:00 am   State of University Address: 13th President, Ericke S. Cage - Ferrell Hall Auditorium

12:00 pm   The first 50 Faculty and Staff to donate will receive a free Chick-fil-A sandwich gift card. 

  2:00 pm   Any gift donated between 2 pm and 3 pm will automatically be entered into a drawing for some WVSU swag. 

  3:00 pm   Making your first gift to WVSU? If you’re giving for the first time ever and donate anytime during WVSU Day of Giving, you will receive a special first-time donor gift.

  4:00 pm  Social media giveaway: post your "I Gave" button on social media between the hours of 4pm and 6pm and use the hashtag #WVSUDayofGiving to be entered into a WVSU swag bag drawing.  

  6:00 pm  Ambassador Check-In: BONUS...for each gift made through your ambassador referral link, you'll receive one additional bonus entry into a drawing to win a WVSU homecoming package or swag bag (valued at $250).

  8:00 pm  It's chilly outside: how about a sweatshirt giveaway? Any gift donated between the hours of 8 pm and 10 pm will be entered into a WVSU sweatshirt giveaway. 

10:00 pm  One lucky "Late Night" donor who makes a gift between the hours of 10 pm and midnight will be entered into a drawing for some WVSU swag.        

March 19th 

  6:00 am   Rise and Shine! Get your cup of coffee and let's start the day off strong! One lucky "Early Bird" donor who makes a gift between the hours of 6am and 9am will be entered into a drawing for a WVSU coffee mug. 

10:00 am  Any gift donated between 10 am and 11 am will automatically be entered into a drawing for some WVSU swag. 

11:00 am  The next 25 local alumni donors who donate will receive a free Chick-fil-A sandwich gift card! 

Let's Go Yellow Jackets! We Can Do It - 250 Participants! 

11:30 am  Day of Giving Celebration: Dining Hall. James C. Wilson University Union. Join us! Special rates. 

The first 10 students to donate will receive a free WVSU T-shirt. 

12:00 pm  Ambassador Check-In: The top three ambassadors with the most raised through their unique URL will receive a Yellow Jacket Swag Bag! The winners will be contacted once WVSU Day of Giving is completed.

All winners will be announced on social media.

You can join in a variety of ways. 

Become an ambassador for West Virginia State University's Day of Giving. Get the word out about the WVSU Day of Giving and inspire others to give by using the Ambassador Social Media Toolkit. 

If you would like to donate to an area you don't see listed, CLICK HERE and select "other" to specify the area you would like to support! Go State!!

Rank State Gifts
1 NONE 0
1 AA 0
1 AE 0
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